
  Web of Science   Scopus   ORCID
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Journal Papers
Book Chapters
Conference Proceedings
Theme Issue

Journal Papers

[J36]   Alan A, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Orosz G, Generalizing Robust Control Barrier Functions From a Controller Design Perspective, IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 4:54-69 (2025)
[J35]   Ong P, Cohen MH, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Rectified Control Barrier Functions for High-Order Safety Constraints, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:2949-2954 (2024)
[J34]   van Wijk DEJ, Coogan S, Molnar TG, Majji M, Hobbs KL, Disturbance-Robust Backup Control Barrier Functions: Safety Under Uncertain Dynamics, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:2817-2822 (2024)
[J33]   Molnar TG, Orosz G, Destroying Phantom Jams with Connectivity and Automation: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Mixed Traffic, Transportation Science, 58(6):1319-1334 (2024)
[J32]   Cohen MH, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Safety-critical control for autonomous systems: Control barrier functions via reduced-order models, Annual Reviews in Control, 57:100947 (2024)
[J31]   Alan A, He CR, Molnar TG, Mathew JC, Bell AH, Orosz G, Integrating Safety with Performance in Connected Automated Truck Control: Experimental Validation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 9(1):3075-3088 (2024)
[J30]   Shen M, Dollar RA, Molnar TG, He CR, Vahidi A, Orosz G, Energy-efficient Reactive and Predictive Connected Cruise Control, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 9(1):944-957 (2024)
[J29]   Allen LI, Molnár TG, Dombóvári Z, Hogan SJ, The Effects of Delay on the HKB Model of Human Motor Coordination, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 23(1):1-25 (2024)
[J28]   Molnar TG, Ames AD, Composing Control Barrier Functions for Complex Safety Specifications, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:3615-3620 (2023)
[J27]   Guo S, Orosz G, Molnar TG, Connected Cruise and Traffic Control for Pairs of Connected Automated Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(11):12648-12658 (2023)
[J26]   Kiss AK, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Orosz G, Control barrier functionals: Safety-critical control for time delay systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 33(12):7282-7309 (2023)
[J25]   Zhao C, Yu H, Molnar TG, Safety-critical traffic control by connected automated vehicles, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 154:104230 (2023)
[J24]   Alan A, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Orosz G, Parameterized Barrier Functions to Guarantee Safety Under Uncertainty, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:2077-2082 (2023)
[J23]   Molnar TG, Kiss AK, Ames AD, Orosz G, Safety-Critical Control With Input Delay in Dynamic Environment, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 31(4):1507-1520 (2023)
[J22]   Molnar TG, Tighe K, Ubellacker W, Kalantari A, Ames AD, Mechanical Design, Planning, and Control for Legged Robots in Distillation Columns, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 18(6):061001 (2023)
[J21]   Shen M, He CR, Molnar TG, Bell AH, Orosz G, Energy-Efficient Connected Cruise Control With Lean Penetration of Connected Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(4):4320-4332 (2023)
[J20]   Alan A, Molnar TG, Das E, Ames AD, Orosz G, Disturbance Observers for Robust Safety-critical Control with Control Barrier Functions, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:1123-1128 (2023). Winner of the ACC 2023 Best Student Paper Award of the Automotive and Transportation Systems Technical Committee
[J19]   Wang HM, Avedisov SS, Molnár TG, Sakr AH, Altintas O, Orosz G, Conflict Analysis for Cooperative Maneuvering with Status and Intent Sharing via V2X Communication, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 8(2):1105-1118 (2023)
[J18]   Singletary A, Guffey W, Molnar TG, Sinnet R, Ames AD, Safety-Critical Manipulation for Collision-Free Food Preparation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4):10954-10961 (2022). Finalist in the IROS 2022 Best Paper Award for Industrial Robotics Research for Applications
[J17]   Molnar TG, Cosner RK, Singletary AW, Ubellacker W, Ames AD, Model-Free Safety-Critical Control for Robotic Systems, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2):944-951 (2022)
[J16]   Jiang L, Molnár TG, Orosz G, On the deployment of V2X roadside units for traffic prediction, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 129:103238 (2021)
[J15]   Molnár TG, Upadhyay D, Hopka M, Van Nieuwstadt M, Orosz G, Delayed Lagrangian Continuum Models for On-Board Traffic Prediction, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 123:102991 (2021)
[J14]   Molnár TG, Singletary AW, Orosz G, Ames AD, Safety-Critical Control of Compartmental Epidemiological Models With Measurement Delays, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(5):1537-1542 (2021)
[J13]   Ames AD, Molnár TG, Singletary AW, Orosz G, Safety-Critical Control of Active Interventions for COVID-19 Mitigation, IEEE Access, 8:188454-188474 (2020)
[J12]   Dombovari Z, Iglesias A, Molnar TG, Habib G, Munoa J, Kuske R, Stepan G, Experimental observations on unsafe zones in milling processes, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 377(2153):20180125 (2019)
[J11]   Molnar TG, Berezvai Sz, Kiss AK, Bachrathy D, Stepan G, Experimental investigation of dynamic chip formation in orthogonal cutting, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 145:103429 (2019)
[J10]   Molnar TG, Insperger T, Stepan G, Closed-form estimations of the bistable region in metal cutting via the method of averaging, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 112:49-56 (2019)
[J09]  Molnar TG, Dombovari Z, Insperger T, Stepan G, Bifurcation analysis of nonlinear time-periodic time-delay systems via semidiscretization, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 115(1):57-74 (2018)
[J08]   Molnár TG, Qin WB, Insperger T, Orosz G, Application of predictor feedback to compensate time delays in connected cruise control, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(2):545-559 (2018)
[J07]   Molnar TG, Dombovari Z, Insperger T, Stepan G, On the analysis of the double Hopf bifurcation in machining processes via centre manifold reduction, Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473(2207):20170502 (2017)
[J06]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, Bachrathy D, Stépán G, Extension of process damping to milling with low radial immersion, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89(9):2545-2556 (2017)
[J05]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, Stépán G, Analytical estimations of limit cycle amplitude for delay-differential equations, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2016(77):1-10 (2016)
[J04]   Molnar TG, Insperger T, On the robust stabilizability of unstable systems with feedback delay by finite spectrum assignment, Journal of Vibration and Control, 22(3):649-661 (2016)
[J03]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, Hogan SJ, Stépán G, Estimation of the bistable zone for machining operations for the case of a distributed cutting-force model, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 11(5):051008 (2016)
[J02]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, Stépán G, State-dependent distributed-delay model of orthogonal cutting, Nonlinear Dynamics, 84(3):1147-1156 (2016)
[J01]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, On the effect of distributed regenerative delay on the stability lobe diagrams of milling processes, Periodica Polytechnica - Mechanical Engineering, 59(3):126-136 (2015)

Book Chapters

[C02]   Molnár TG, Hopka M, Upadhyay D, Van Nieuwstadt M, Orosz G, Virtual Rings on Highways: Traffic Control by Connected Automated Vehicles, In AI-enabled Technologies for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (eds. Murphey YL, Kolmanovsky I, and Watta P), Springer, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-031-06780-8), 441-479
[C01]   Molnar TG, Hajdu D, Insperger T, The Smith predictor, the modified Smith predictor and the finite spectrum assignment: A comparative study, In Stability, control and application of time-delay systems (eds. Gao Q and Karimi HR), Elsevier, 2019 (ISBN 978-0-12-814928-7), 209-226

Conference Proceedings

[P34]   Chen Y, Orosz G, Molnar TG, Safety-Critical Connected Cruise Control: Leveraging Connectivity for Safe and Efficient Longitudinal Control of Automated Vehicles, 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2024), September 24- 27, 2024, Edmonton, Canada
[P33]   Zhao C, Molnar TG, Yu H, Safety-Critical Stabilization of Mixed Traffic by Pairs of CAVs, American Control Conference (ACC 2024), July 8-12, 2024, Toronto, Canada, 743-748
[P32]   Janwani NC, Das E, Touma T, Wei SX, Molnar TG, Burdick JW, A Learning-Based Framework for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration with Multiple Backup Control Barrier Functions, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), May 13-17, 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 11676-11682
[P31]   Lee J, Kim J, Ubellacker W, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Safety-Critical Control of Quadrupedal Robots with Rolling Arms for Autonomous Inspection of Complex Environments, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024), May 13-17, 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 3485-3491
[P30]   Molnar TG, Orosz G, Ames AD, On the Safety of Connected Cruise Control: Analysis and Synthesis with Control Barrier Functions, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023), December 13-15, 2023, Singapore, 1106-1111
[P29]   Molnar TG, Ames AD, Safety-Critical Control with Bounded Inputs via Reduced Order Models, American Control Conference (ACC 2023), May 31-June 2, 2023, San Diego, CA, USA, 1414-1421
[P28]   Taylor AJ, Ong P, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Safe Backstepping with Control Barrier Functions, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022), December 6-9, 2022, Cancun, Mexico, 5775-5782
[P27]   Molnar TG, Alan A, Kiss AK, Ames AD, Orosz G, Input-to-State Safety with Input Delay in Longitudinal Vehicle Control, 17th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS 2022), September 27-30, 2022, Montreal, Canada, IFAC-PapersOnLine 55(36):312-317 (2022)
[P26]   Cosner RK, Tucker M, Taylor AJ, Li K, Molnar TG, Ubellacker W, Alan A, Orosz G, Yue Y, Ames AD, Safety-Aware Preference-Based Learning for Safety-Critical Control, 4th Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC 2022), June 23-24, 2022, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 168:1020-1033 (2022)
[P25]   Molnár TG, Ji XA, Oh S, Takács D, Hopka M, Upadhyay D, Van Nieuwstadt M, Orosz G, On-Board Traffic Prediction for Connected Vehicles: Implementation and Experiments on Highways, American Control Conference (ACC 2022), June 8-10, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1036-1041
[P24]   Cosner RK, Jimenez Rodriguez ID, Molnar TG, Ubellacker W, Yue Y, Ames AD, Bouman KL, Self-Supervised Online Learning for Safety-Critical Control using Stereo Vision, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), May 23-27, 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 11487-11493
[P23]   Ubellacker W, Csomay-Shanklin N, Molnar TG, Ames AD, Verifying Safe Transitions between Dynamic Motion Primitives on Legged Robots, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), September 27-October 1, 2021, Online (Prague, Czech Republic), 8477-8484
[P22]   Cosner RK, Singletary AW, Taylor AJ, Molnar TG, Bouman KL, Ames AD, Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions: Certainty in Safety with Uncertainty in State, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), September 27-October 1, 2021, Online (Prague, Czech Republic), 6286-6291
[P21]   Ji XA, Molnár TG, Gorodetsky AA, Orosz G, Bayesian Inference for Time Delay Systems with Application to Connected Automated Vehicles, 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2021), September 19-22, 2021, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 3259-3264
[P20]   Ji XA, Molnár TG, Avedisov SS, Orosz G, Learning the Dynamics of Time Delay Systems with Trainable Delays, 3rd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC 2021), June 7-8, 2021, Online (Zurich, Switzerland), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 144:930-942 (2021)
[P19]   Wong S, Jiang L, Walters R, Molnár TG, Orosz G, Yu R, Traffic Forecasting using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication, 3rd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC 2021), June 7-8, 2021, Online (Zurich, Switzerland), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 144:917-929 (2021)
[P18]   Kiss AK, Molnar TG, Bachrathy D, Ames AD, Orosz G, Certifying Safety for Nonlinear Time Delay Systems via Safety Functionals: A Discretization Based Approach, American Control Conference (ACC 2021), May 25-28, 2021, Online (New Orleans, LA, USA), 1055-1060
[P17]   Shen M, Molnár TG, He CR, Bell AH, Hunkler M, Oppermann D, Zukouski R, Yan J, Orosz G, Saving Energy with Delayed Information in Connected Vehicle Systems, American Control Conference (ACC 2021), May 25-28, 2021, Online (New Orleans, LA, USA), 1621-1626
[P16]   Dollar RA, Molnár TG, Vahidi A, Orosz G, MPC-Based Connected Cruise Control with Multiple Human Predecessors, American Control Conference (ACC 2021), May 25-28, 2021, Online (New Orleans, LA, USA), 404-410
[P15]   Avedisov SS, Lin C-W, Molnár TG, Altintas O, Sakr AH, Orosz G, Perceived Safety: A New Metric for Evaluating Safety Benefits of Collective Perception for Connected Road Users, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2020), December 16-18, 2020, Online (New York, NY, USA), 1-4
[P14]   Molnár TG, Upadhyay D, Hopka M, Van Nieuwstadt M, Orosz G, Open and closed loop traffic control by connected automated vehicles, 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020), December 14-18, 2020, Online (Jeju Island, Republic of Korea), 239-244
[P13]   Wang HM, Molnár TG, Avedisov SS, Sakr AH, Altintas O, Orosz G, Conflict Analysis for Cooperative Merging Using V2X Communication, 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV 2020), October 20-23, 2020, Online (Las Vegas, NV, USA), 1538-1543
[P12]   He CR, Alan A, Molnár TG, Avedisov SS, Bell AH, Zukouski R, Hunkler M, Yan J, Orosz G, Improving fuel economy of heavy-duty vehicles in daily driving, American Control Conference (ACC 2020), July 1-3, 2020, Online (Denver, CO, USA), 2306-2311
[P11]   Ji XA, Avedisov SS, Molnár TG, Orosz G, Feed-forward neural network with trainable delay, 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC 2020), June 11-12, 2020, Online (Berkeley, California, USA), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 120:127-136 (2020)
[P10]   Molnár TG, Upadhyay D, Hopka M, Van Nieuwstadt M, Orosz G, Lagrangian models for controlling large-scale heterogeneous traffic, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019), December 11-13, 2019, Nice, France, 3152-3157
[P09]   Berezvai Sz, Molnar TG, Kossa A, Bachrathy D, Stepan G, Numerical and experimental investigation of contact length during orthogonal cutting, 35th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (DAS 2018), September 25-28, 2018, Sinaia, Romania, Materials Today: Proceedings 12(2):329-334 (2019)
[P08]   Molnar TG, Bachrathy D, Insperger T, Stepan G, On process damping induced by vibration-dependency of cutting direction in milling, 8th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2018), June 25-27, 2018, Budapest, Hungary, Procedia CIRP 77:171-174 (2018)
[P07]   Berezvai Sz, Molnar TG, Bachrathy D, Stepan G, Experimental investigation of the shear angle variation during orthogonal cutting, 34th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (DAS 2017), September 19-22, 2017, Trieste, Italy, Materials Today: Proceedings 5(13):26495–26500 (2018)
[P06]   Miklos A, Takacs D, Wohlfart R, Porempovics G, Molnar TG, Bachrathy D, Toth A, Stepan G, The development of high speed virtual milling test, ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2017), October 11-13, 2017, Tysons, VA, USA, DSCC2017-5217
[P05]   Molnár TG, Dombóvári Z, Insperger T, Stépán G, Dynamics of cutting near double Hopf bifurcation, IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear and Delayed Dynamics of Mechatronic Systems (IUTAM 2016), October 17-21, 2016, Nanjing, China, Procedia IUTAM 22:123-130 (2017)
[P04]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, Stépán G, Estimation of safe chatter-free technological parameter regions for machining operations, 7th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2016), May 31-June 2, 2016, Chemnitz, Germany, Procedia CIRP 46:464-467 (2016)
[P03]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, Hogan SJ, Stépán G, Investigating multiscale phenomena in machining: the effect of cutting-force distribution along the tool’s rake face on process stability, ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA, DETC2015-47165
[P02]   Molnár TG, Qin WB, Insperger T, Orosz G, Predictor design for connected cruise control subject to packet loss, 12th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS 2015), June 28-30, 2015, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, IFAC-PapersOnLine 48(12):428-433 (2015)
[P01]   Molnár TG, Insperger T, On the stabilizability of the delayed inverted pendulum controlled by finite spectrum assignment in case of parameter uncertainties, ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2013), August 4-7, 2013, Portland, OR, USA, DETC2013-12316

Theme Issue

[T01]   Proceeding of the 17th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(36):1-318 (2022). Editors: Conte G, Molnar T


[I02]   Ames AD, Singletary AW, Molnar TG, Systems and Methods for Model-free Safety Control in Robotics Platforms, US Patent, April 7, 2023, Application No. 18/297,525
[I01]   Ames AD, Singletary AW, Molnar TG, Model-Free Safety Regulator, US Patent, April 7, 2022, Application No. 63/328,582